Anarchists or agents provocateurs?

Max Sawicky sawicky at
Fri Dec 3 08:24:29 PST 1999

I think those "anarchists" are jerks -- but I do wonder about something. Before the trashing, the news minimized the number of demonstrators and didn't seem to take them all that seriously. The trashing certainly got the media's attention! To tell you the truth, I was more embarrassed by people dressing up in squirrel suits. I hate that hippie-dippie cute stuff. katha


You could say the 'carnival' factor humanizes the event, makes it less threatening, without in any way inhibiting the force of the shut-down. The usual corporate whores will distort and ridicule any sort of demonstration. A fellow named Everett Ehrlich, former Administration official and in his younger days member of a communist rock-n-roll band (sic), was particularly revolting this a.m. on NPR.

I say bring on the bunny suits and all. The joke is on the other side.


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