TNR Means of Dissent by Charles Duhigg

Peter Kilander peterk at
Sat Dec 4 15:56:55 PST 1999

>Such accusations as "spineless," "stupid," "incompetent," etc.
>ought to be reserved for (a) people or organizations really on
>*our* side or (b) actions by the enemy that aid us. The
>New Republic fits neither classification. It is not spineless,
>it is courageous in its fight for evil. The same is true of Clinton.

I take your point. This may be quibbling on my part, but what do you make of the "ideology" of the New Republic and Clinton? I mean, I doubt they think they are fighting for evil. I guess I was suggesting TNR was spineless because they didn't report the reality of what had happened: they made it into something easily digestable for their centrist readers. The protests were obviously against the WTO, repeatedly described as a handmaiden for corporate interests, not against free trade. Also, the one writer estimated the number of protesters at 10,000. A publication with backbone would report the facts, then put its twisted spin on them.

Clinton goes on about "feeling our pain" and sympathizing with the protesters and healing processes and whatnot. Maggie Thatcher had nothing to do with any of that.

Peter K.

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