"the only helpful
reporting on the Battle came
from Doug Henwood, the gifted
editor of the Left Business
Observer, and a writer who
proves, like St. Thomas, that a
wrong main idea is no barrier to
top-notch philosphy. "
bastards, eh? still all publicity good publicity.
PS: Hang on, there's more:
The last time we checked in with
Henwood, it was August of 1998,
and he was proclaiming the
arrival of the Big Bear Market that
would undo nearly two decades'
worth of prosperity. [dd: is this true?]
The drama in
Seattle's streets, however, had
Henwood on more solid ground,
and his on-the-spot reporting
provided the week's most
entertaining reading. Henwood
cheers the discovery that "hard
hats" may be more than mere
"cretinous reactionaries"; he
schoolmarmishly chides an Indian
physicist whose grasp of
historical theory is less manly
than his own ("Shiva ... urged a
'return to national
decision-making which we
control,' apparently not
noticing that the nation-state
itself was an imperial
inheritance"); he celebrates an
anti-McDonald's action by French
farmer Jose Bové (famous for
"ripping the roof off a French
McDonald's"), who was thoughtful
enough to bring a wheel of
"redolent fromage" from his home
country to the Pacific
cor blimey, etc, first the phantom forwarder, now this. you're getting ripped off left right and centre, Doug. I blame the Internet myself.
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