Grumpy lefties and VENONA

Michael Hoover hoov at
Fri Dec 10 18:24:44 PST 1999

> Charles Brown wrote:
> >from our perspective Kennedy was a bourgeois politician and certainly a
> >representative of the bourgeoisie, but within the bourgeoisie a sharp
> >enough conflict developed that the most reactionary sector decided he
> >had to go.
> There has never been since WW 2 the kind of deep split in the
> ruling class which would make this kind of conspiracy likely.
> Carrol

Some had, for a time, interest in ostensible differences between what they called 'Yankee' capitalists and 'Cowboy' capitalists (both groups generally referred to as elites rather than capitalists).

Former: industrial-era wealth, second/third generation, eastern, liberal establishment Latter: post-WW2 wealth, first generation, western, free-market conservative (of course, much of this ilk made money off publc sector via military contracting, infrastructual development, electronics)

Ex-SDSer turned conspiracy theorist Carl Oglesby even wrote book entitled _The Yankee and Cowboy War_, subtitled _Conspiracies From Dallas to Watergate_ (or something to that effect). Political scientist (and National Association of Scholars member) Thomas Dye called attention to and lamented split, suggesting that it left elites unable to function as 'enlightened few' protecting 'democracy' from masses. Michael Hoover

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