Bullish on America? (was Re: What the heck?)

Rob Schaap rws at comserver.canberra.edu.au
Tue Dec 14 22:26:07 PST 1999

>Whatever was he rambling on about? That was the worst piece of
>tripe I've ever seen from him.

Perhaps he's just explaining his prolonged absence from civilisation to the mother country, Joseph. The lad has apparently gawn native.

And he's right about what Marx saw unfolding in the American experiment, isn't he? And he's right about the wages of America's overweening confidence, isn't he? And he's right about the enduring American century, isn't he? And he's right about Cuba's likely future, isn't he? And he's right (so far) about the right being the salient political force to oppose corporate capital on any front, isn't he?

America's the place to watch. And if you're a journo, it's the place to be. The bloat occasioned by its festering innards has some indeterminate way to go, and maybe Hitch just wants to be sure to document Mr Creosote's grand boeuf.

Your friendly crisis-monger, Rob.

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