Fwd: (50 Years) Jubileee 2000 April Convergence -- From Trade to Debt

Doug Henwood dhenwood at panix.com
Thu Dec 16 12:59:30 PST 1999

Date: Thu, 16 Dec 1999 15:39:12 -0500 From: Doug Hunt <dhunt at center1.com>

The Jubilee 2000/USA Steering Committee has issued a clear call to all supporters! April 9, 2000 is going to be an day to remember -- mark your calendar today, start looking into transportation options. Tens of thousands will converge on Washington DC -- you should be one of them. Circulate this announcement to everyone in your network! (also please see important mini-bulletins at the end of this message) ===============

Stand Up and Be Counted! We need you to come to Washington and join the

Jubilee 2000 National Mobilization

Sunday April 9, 2000

Washington, D.C.

Citizen action groups, students, people of faith, and all who care about justice for impoverished countries in Africa, Latin America and Asia will gather on the Mall in Washington and make their voices heard.

There will be morning religious services for those interested, followed by a Human Chain at 1 p.m. Nationally-known speakers and entertainers are being invited to attend.

Be part of a massive, public witness -- Demand that the

World Bank, the IMF, and the U.S. Congress ACT NOW

for debt cancellation for the world's poorest countries!

Stay for the Monday Lobby Day --

Meet with your representative and senators and request their commitment to debt cancellation.

Sponsored by the Jubilee 2000/USA campaign, a coalition of national environmental, religious, and social justice groups calling for lifting the crushing burden of debt, through fair and accountable process, by the end of the year 2000.

For more information contact Jubilee 2000/USA at

222 East Capitol Street, N.E., Washington, D.C., 20003

tel. (202)783-3566 email: coord at j2000usa.org http://www.j2000usa.org Check the website for up-to-date action alerts! ==================================== mini bulletins: ==> The Religious Working Group on the IMF and the World Bank has produced an interfaith prayer and action card ideally suited for New Year's eve and throughout the millennial Jubilee Year! It's a great tool for reaching people with a Jubilee message as they may be attending a religious service at the turn of the Millennium. Hand it out at a house of worship; see the action suggestions for more ideas. You can download it in various word processor formats. Look it over by clicking on http://www.religiouswg.org/prayer.html ==> It wasn't all tear gas and rubber bullets! Jubilee 2000 Northwest Coalition organized a tremendous Human Chain - with a positive, non-violent spirit - in Seattle at the World Trade Organization meeting, to demand Jubilee Now! 30,000 people took part. Look for pictures of this coalition's Nov. 29th action, plus links to J2000 NW, on the web site at http://www.j2000usa.org/updates/seattle1.html#beginning

==> Colorado Jubilee 2000 is organizing an interfaith Jubilee 2000 service on New Years Eve, in Golden CO (near Denver). For more information please contact Mara Vanderslice, coordinator for the Jubilee 2000 Colorado campaign at 303.623.3464 or jubileecolo at afsc.org

==> CORRUPTION. As you advocate for Jubilee 2000 debt cancellation you have probably heard people say, "We can't cancel debt -- those countries are just too corrupt! This will just encourage corruption." Jubilee 2000 takes this issue head on -- our proposals take this issue well into account. You'll find good responses in our Education Packet (see our web site). But an **excellent** source of information is also found on the web site of J2000 UK coalition member Christian Aid. http://www.christian-aid.org.uk/reports/corrupt.htm You'll find there a report with specific examples of people already fighting corruption and holding governments accountable. Read it before your next presentation.

==> The national office of Jubilee 2000/USA can now accept credit cards. You can make a donation (very appreciated!) or purchase videos, buttons and other supplies using your VISA or Mastercard (soon also American Express and Discover). Sorry, no jubilee cancellation for your bills, though... :) ====================

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