(c) form into small intenselfy disciplined
> anarchist groups of their own (the discipline of such groups is always
> tighter and more onerous than that of Leninist groups).
What, you mean like the 'black bloc'? :)
Seriously though, Leninists (or semi- or ex-Leninists) only shoot themselves in the foot when they see a movement as merely the recruiting ground for the 'real politics' of their organisations (in the Trotskyite camp, I'll note that the modern Spartacist League and the International Socialism tendency tend to do this).
Remember: '[The Communists] have no interests separate and apart from those of the proletariat as a whole.'
Peter -- Peter van Heusden : pvanheus at hgmp.mrc.ac.uk : PGP key available Criticism has torn up the imaginary flowers from the chain not so that man shall wear the unadorned, bleak chain but so that he will shake off the chain and pluck the living flower. - Karl Marx
NOTE: I do not speak for the HGMP or the MRC.