Existentialist Reformtation

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at osu.edu
Sat Dec 25 10:19:46 PST 1999

George Pennefather wrote: <<<James: That was certainly Max Weber's thesis in his *Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism*. For Weber it was precisely this anxiety that he believed drove Calvinists and other Protestants into becoming accumulators of capital. Although Calvin had taught that there were no signs available to us in this life that could assure us whether we are part of the Elect or not, believers would nevertheless still strive to find such signs and in Weber's view the ones they hit upon were those of material success achieved through hard work and ascetic self-denial. Thus Puritanism was seen by Weber as a means for coping with this anxiety.

George: Some of your comments in this posting of yours were quite interesting. If there is an intellectual connection between the European Reformation and post-war existentialism perhaps we can sus out the conditions that led to such a convergence of conceptions in two very different periods.>>>

Sartre turned against the Hegelian conception of history (for dialectical reason, he thought, leaves little room for human agency and individual morality). As with most modern Western moralists, Sartre, too, used Kant -- whose philosophy was developed within the Protestant tradition -- against Hegel.

While Sartre was attracted to an account of the Master-Slave relation in _The Phenomenology of Spirit_ (which exerted the strongest influence on French intellectuals among all the texts by Hegel), he held that self-consciousness confronting another consciousness is not to lead dialectically to the social being of man. Instead, Sartre insisted upon the isolation and freedom of the abstract individual:

"In fact, if...the being of my consciousness is strictly irreducible to knowledge, then I can not transcend my being toward a reciprocal and universal relation in which I could see my being and that of others as equivalent. On the contrary, I must establish myself in my being and posit the problem of the Other in terms of my being. In a word the sole point of departure is the interiority of the _cogito_" (Sartre, _Being and Nothingness_).

Sartre's work is a good example of how and why starting with the consciousness of the abstract individual leads to a dead end (for Marxists), for the abstract individual as a point of departure already implies the negation of history. The same goes for postmodern circular reasonings about "the subject."


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