W. F. Buckley et. al vs. paleo-cons with an assist from Abbie Hoffman's Ghost

Michael Pugliese debsian at pacbell.net
Sat Dec 25 10:30:16 PST 1999

Paleo-con advocates Abbie Hoffman, "Steal This Book" tactics against neo-con interlopers. BTW, Gottfried writes for Telos, Chronicles and other rags, and has a book from Princeton Univ. Press entitled, "After Liberalism," with blurbs from ex-Marxist-Feminist, Elizabeth Fox-Genovese, who is connected to that right-wing anti-feminist group in Wash. D.C., the Independent Womens Forum, which also includes Barbara Ledeen, wife(?) of Iran-Contra figure, Michael Ledeen. C. Hitchens back in the eighties wrote a piece on M. Ledeen, from when the venerable Partisan Review was slated to publish a Ledeen apologia for Iran-Contra in PR. Lotsa editors considered that even a bit too right-wing, including Daniel Bell, who started distancing himself from his more right neo-con brethern then. A good movie on Bell, Glazer, and Howe came out a few years back. Maybe it's on video?

Michael Pugliese

Michael Pugliese

Michael Pugliese Date: Sun, 19 Dec 1999 10:23:32 -0500 From: "Paul Gottfried" <gottfrpe at etown.edu> X-Mailing-List: paleo at egroups.com Subject: [Paleo] <no subject> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

There was an editorial last week in the New York Post, apropos of Buckley's retirement from Firing Line, that congratulated him for "saving the Right from dark forces." I suspect that all of us fall into this category, which has come to include the entire nonneocon Right. The NYP's judgment may be tendentious but it is the one that will belong to official historiography unless we can reverse the balance of power. One of the least controversial acts we can perform is to imitate the Birmingham bus boycott, that is, to stop patronizing the enemy's products. Better to rip off a copy of American Spectator than to pay for it! It is bad enuf that the neocons and their henchmen have defamed and marginalized our side. Why subsidize this enterprise by paying for their hackwork? The link for Brimelow's new publication is http://www.vdare.com/ The boycott idea is entirely my own. It occurred to me after noting that most subscribers to NR and AS are in all probability paleos. There are not enough neocons, including their lackeys, to fill a ballroom at the Washington Hilton. Neocon publications are kept going with our money, while Chronicles and other paleo publications live from hand to mouth.

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