> The "exalted representation of evil," as in Lacan's quotation from Luther:
"You are all turds fallen from the Devil's anus." Lacan offers two models
of transcendence": the purification of desire into a pure desire for
knowledge, "beyond fear and pity" (Socrates who kills himself to save
truth); and the acceptance of one's "unbeing" and "subjective destitution."
> If such models are attractive to you, why not Zen?
Zen is a cultural, political and social philosophy ("religion") ground in specific social and political praxis, Lacan's mirror stage and subsequent arguments are ground in a theory of psychological / cognitivie development - the two aren't comparable. One does not "accept" the truth of Lacan, one makes arguments for and against his propositions. Comparing Zen and psychoanalysis rests on a complete confusion of both.