Naderites Craft "Fix It or Nix It" Campaign

Pahtoo at Pahtoo at
Wed Dec 29 14:12:21 PST 1999

In a message dated 12/29/99 12:35:25 PM Pacific Standard Time, nathan.newman at write

<< The obvious question for Jeffery is that if this strategy makes so little

sense, what is his and Cockburn's positive program? Just riot? >>

I'm not sure what is meant by "positive" nor do I have any idea what St. Clair and Cockburn would propose instead of WTO, but I do know that anti-WTO protesters did NOT riot in Seattle. Seattle's "finest" DID riot as they put the beatdown on peaceful, nonviolent protesters (at the behest of Madeline Albright and Janet Reno and approved of by Nader Field Marshal Mike Dolan, I'll add).

For any progressive to adopt such a Bull Connoresque revision is disheartening.

Michael Donnelly

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