Murray erupts

Rakesh Bhandari bhandari at phoenix.Princeton.EDU
Wed Feb 3 07:23:39 PST 1999

In reply to Maggie's very helpful message:

>to address the "illegitimate births among young women." First of all, it
>never ceases to amaze me when young women bearing babies out of the state of
>'wedded bliss' are lumped in with criminals, drop outs and the underclass.

AFDC coddled single mothers are thought to be the cause of pathological behavior in children and young adults.

>women are expected and frequently proud of being single mothers -- murray
>forgets that his view of out of wedlock births is no wheres near universal!

Actually George Gilder and Murray blame AFDC for this tolerance of single motherhood, itself the cause of pathology. This was the message of Boyz in the Hood and countless other g movies, and it was Clinton who did what their Republican buddies had been unable to do.


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