Hitchens Turns GOP stool pigeon

steve at panix.com steve at panix.com
Sun Feb 7 10:16:55 PST 1999

Nathan Newman said:
> Leftists who think Ken Starr -- defender of GM's and the Tobacco lobby's
> perjury - is the friend of truth and serve his purposes are just over the
> rainbow.

Maybe I don't get out often enough, but I've never heard any leftist say Ken Starr was a defender of truth.

For me, attacking Starr and those who have supported him was never the same as defending Clinton. Clinton has never deserved our defense. Perhaps if some of you were amongst those who claimed to be disappointed each step along the way of Clinton's presidency, this might be hard to imagine. But I never expected anything other than what we've received from the Clinton White House, and so I've never been disappointed. Disgusted, yes. But he's never behaved any way other than what I expected.

Fighting the Right is not the same as supporting Clinton, or the Dems in general. I'm glad Hitchens made his affadavit.

Steven Matthews

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