The (Partial) History of Ken Lawrence's Lies about Noam Chomsky

William S. Lear rael at
Mon Feb 8 07:44:58 PST 1999

On Sun, February 7, 1999 at 22:01:33 (EST) Apsken at writes:
>Yes, Noam Chomsky did take Robert Faurisson's side, not only in defense of his
>so-called free speech, but against the anti-fascist Gitta Sereny's article
>exposing the Holocaust deniers as Nazis.

It appears that Lawrence has decided to revisit his cowardly and unsubstantiated slurs against Noam Chomsky. Remember folks that, according to Lawrence, Chomsky "lent political and legal advice to [holocaust denier Robert Faurrison's] defense", that Chomsky had "political solidarity with a Nazi" (Faurrison), that Chomsky is a "Holocaust-denying colleague" of Faurrison's, that Chomsky has provided "Aid and comfort to Nazis and Klansmen", among other ludicrous claims. Lawrence has promised to provide supporting evidence for these slanders ever since he aired them, but none, not surprisingly, have materialized.

Lawrence has a long (by e-mail-list standards) history of blatantly lying to support his argument. I have called him to task repeatedly on his scurrilous lies, but he apparently continues to believe he can get away with it.


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