Anti Isreal = Anti-Semetism?

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at
Mon Feb 15 08:44:23 PST 1999

Nathan wrote:
>As are most of the Islamic states, Asian states, and European states.
>Israel has its peculiarities, but it is not as different from other
>countries as either its greatest defenders or critics make it out to be.

As Noam Chomsky, Edward Said, etc. have written many times, the Law of Return does make Israel one of a kind. (Do any other states have similar statutes that would allow for a return of a centuries-old diasporic ethnic/religious group?) As long as the Law of Return privileges Jews as the first class citizen, with everyone else relegated to the second-class status, Israel sets itself apart from even the norms of bourgeois democracy. Moreover, from the standpoint of pragmatic politics, the Law of Return and the policy of increasing Jewish settlements in predominantly Palestinian areas makes it impossible for Jews and Palestinians to coexist peacefully, in that the law and policy demand that more and more land be expropriated from Palestinian owners to accommodate the 'returning' Jews. (Ironically, the Law of Return is also a point of much contention among Jews, revolving around the vexing question: 'Who is a Jew?' See, for instance,

Moreover, Israel has played a vital role in the maintenance of US hegemony not only in the Middle East but elsewhere as well, as a convenient _arms-sale broker_. Remember the Iran-Contra scandal? Israel played a similar role in the wars that South Africa waged under Apartheid against Namibia, Angola, etc. Israel has been one of the most important junior partners of US imperialism, and this fact makes it different from many other states.


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