
Prashanth Mundkur mundkur at
Tue Feb 23 16:50:48 PST 1999

On Tue, 23 Feb 1999, W. Kiernan wrote:

> > Nationalization may now be a dirty word thanks to the libertarian /
> > yuppie trolls populating the computer geekoland
> ...not only not one in ten of these mouthpieces could write and compile
> "hello.c," but on top of that they're bone-ignorant of history, thus
> disqualifying them 100% from speaking with any authority about politics,
> sick of reading to their half-baked neo-con horseshit...anyway, real
> geeks all want Microsoft neutered and free software for all...

Actually not all free software geeks want free software for all. One of the most famous ones, Eric Raymond, the guy whose article persuaded Netscape to release the Mozilla source code, is a proud neo-con libertarian. He's also the guy who got hold of the leaked Halloween documents from Microsoft; but he refuses to help the Government's case against Microsoft, because he is anti-govt. Raymond detests Microsoft because it is a monopoly that writes lousy code, not because it is a monster private corporation. In fact, he co-founded the Open Source movement to show companies how open source can be "good for business".

BTW, the free software mailing lists periodically indulge in religious wars where the word "socialist" is bandied about as an insult.


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