Hate crime

rc-am rcollins at netlink.com.au
Wed Feb 24 08:29:37 PST 1999

oops, i hit send before i finshed. i was going to add this below and ask whether it is seen as a hate crime or police violence. it's from


"Malkanjit Natt: British citizen who secretly recorded his encounter with the British police.

Policeman: You know what happens in your country...They take you out and shoot you or something...that's what we should do.

Natt: ... they don't do that there.

Policeman: Why don't you go back home?... Back to India or Pakistan or wherever you came from.

Natt: You don't have the right to tell me to go home. (Pause)

Natt: Why are you beating me?

Policeman: Because I like it.

(India Today, August 1994)."

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