>best bet for the next two years. He'd be too weak to overcome liberal
>filibusters in the Senate but popular enough to blunt any ideological
>steamroller from the Right. And he would have to be somewhat nice to
>liberals since his boy Al would suffer retribution if he pissed people off
>too much.
>Generally, I thought we were entering this year in a great position, with
>the Right intellectually bankrupt and politically fragmented, even as our
>forces were working together better than they have for years.
>So a prostitution scandal just looks like a loser to me for our side, if
>only because it will eat up public oxygen that we should be using to focus
>on progressive issues.
>--Nathan Newman
Nathan, you are brilliant. Couldn't have thought it better myself. Wanna start a consulting/polling firm together?
Truly impressed, Paula