Malcolm X and SNCC

Jim heartfield jim at
Tue Jan 5 04:13:20 PST 1999

In message <Pine.SUN.3.91.990104174255.29996O-100000 at>, Art McGee <amcgee at> writes

>In the end, the only people with the real say are those who he had the
>most influence over, Black people, and they frankly don't care anymore
>what most "white" Leftists have to say.

I don't know if I care to see "white" turned into an insult, any more than "black". Is Art saying that black people care what black leftists have to say? (I doubt it's true.) Is Art the spokesman of the silent majority?

And when did Rakesh become "white"? When he refused to pay homage to that All-American hero Malcolm X? Face facts, Malcolm X's Autobiography is on the school syllabuses now. He is being taught to children black and white, by teachers who have assimilated him into the curriculum and the canon of American triumph over adversity. -- Jim heartfield

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