Incivility becomes Judith.

pms laflame at
Tue Jan 12 20:35:35 PST 1999

>Anyway, I’m pretty sure that we all agree that Doug shouldn’t have to
>play Den Mom (unless it gives him role-playing pleasure). I can
>certainly appreciate a well-turned insult as well as the next cybergeek,
>but plain old visciousness is simply tooo despressing. I look forward
>to seeing this debate move in a more progressive direction (maybe I’ll
>eventually have something to say myself).

Bravo. Well said Ingrid. I'd like to mention that you don't have to agree with Rakesh to think that things were going awry. When the list starts sounding like a spoof commercial from a red-baiting radio talk show, there's something wrong. I have some real problems with black nationalism that have nothing to do with racism (mine,I mean). I've thought about it a lot, wondering if it was racism, and it ain't. There I've said it, shot me.

Which reminds me, I wanna apologize to Jim Baird, (was it?), whoever's NSA brother-in-law I insulted. I think it triggered a thought of an old boyfriend. A really nice guy who made great tips, in part because he'd laugh along with jokes and stories he'd never have told himself, thus allowing the assholes to feel like they were ok people. Now he's teaching children history, and surely still going along. He was less dangerous as a bartender. (I think this is somehow related to the Judy thread, and also what has to be done to some extent, for money, by everyone. Of course the instinct came before the peso was involved. Is this the well of capitalism, not the other way around? The Original Wound?)

I'd tell the story about the chef again, but I wouldn't want to upset the intellectual rigor more than I have to, Carroll. No matter, I won't be going the way of James from Philly, even if the absence of my rambling would make the list "better", Max, because I'm just not that good at the subordination thing. I've been more a self-flagellant kinda gal. But that got old.

Now, if only Louis would come back. Come on everybody, GROUP HUG!

It's one o'clock, do you know...

that-----We're all just bozos on THIS bus. As well as whores, or psycopaths or suicides.

Only the bozoness can redeem you. Civ-il-aty. Civ-il-ity. (Is that what Tim Curry's saying? or is it, Sta-bil-ity?)

Oh, man, I'm workin' on my tan.

smooches Paula, here in the rube-gallery.


But ya gets no bread with One Meat Ball.

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