Paul Mattick and Otto Strasser

Rakesh Bhandari bhandari at phoenix.Princeton.EDU
Wed Jan 13 13:14:42 PST 1999

In John Nagles The NASDP as an Alternative Political Elite for Capitalism in Crisis in Radical Perspectives on the Rise of Fascism in Germany, 1919-1945 (Monthly Review Press, 1989), a fascinating account is given of how the NASDP was normalized and entered into coalition building with big capitalists by, among other things, purging the SA and Strasser leadership factions: "despite the absence of bourgeois political liberty and bourgeois parties, the NASDP did evolve in ways that represented a kind of normalisation to established elite standards. Most often cere are the defeat and bloddy pruge of both the Strasser left wing of the party and the Roehm SA leadership on June 30, 1934. Bracher also notes that by end of 1934, nearly 80% of the political leadership consisted of newcomers who had joined the party since the beginning of 1933" p. 206

As I noted in my first reply, the understanding of this purge may enable exceptional insight into the true nature of the NAZI regime. Again, I am neither confirming nor disconfirming Mattick's sponsorship of Otto Strasser (Gregor was presumably a brother or close relative). But I am saying that I would have attended such a talk for the inside perspective it could have provided.

Now anyone who reads Mattick's writings, esp Anti Bolshevik Communism, will find such criticisms of authoritarianism, militarism and statism to make the charge of fascist sympathies absurd in the extreme. And do note that Ken Lawerence has not had a word to say about anything Mattick actually wrote, including in this context his essay on spontaneity and organization in Anti Bolshevik Communism. Again I will check with PM jr about this "sponsorship" of Strasser. Yours, Rakesh

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