masculinist black nationalism

Charles Brown CharlesB at
Mon Jan 18 12:20:08 PST 1999


I'd say denial of Black women's right to abortion is a human rights violation, but it is not genocidal or a violation of the UN Convention against genocide.

This ignores the role of abortion in racist genocide, as for example when Margaret Sanger, the white feminist, joined the eugenics movement. The UN Convention against genocide specifically makes it genocide to try to prevent a racial or national group from having children.

It is too much of a loop to try to turn birth prevention methods into anti-genocidal measures. The right to safe, economically supported births is just as much a reproductive right as the right to abortion. "Birth control" means the control to have babies as well as the control not to have babies.

Charles Brown

>>> Rakesh Bhandari <bhandari at phoenix.Princeton.EDU>
I did raise the concern of how masculinist black nationalists may fight universal access to birth control on the grounds that it was a form of black genocide. Even in the recent book the Killing of the Black Body--which discusses the discourse of black genocide in our culture--the law professor Dorothy Roberts raises this same concern for the negative implications towards minority's women autonomy and reproductive freedom.

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