The Land of the Big Cigars

pms laflame at
Mon Jan 18 18:59:42 PST 1999

Doug wrote:

>pms wrote:
>>Sort of puts Clinton's trial out there as a racist coup.
>Interesting story on the front page of today's New York Times reporting
>that a bunch of big campaign contributors gave the Republican leadership a
>talking-to yesterday for pushing impeachment. Interesting in itself as a
>piece of news, but also from the theoretical point of view - about who's
>behind the impeachment, and the role of money in politics. From the lead:

I would be surprised to find that the really Big Republican Cigars had such big mouths.

I'd also be surprised to find out that the really, really Big Cigars gave a shit about morality, ideology, or whether the Dems or Repubs were in power.

Just the wrong Dem or Rep would annoy them. If the Big Cigars could refrain from screwing each other, we'd be much worse off. That's the upside of Capitalism.

grrrrrrrrrr. p

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