MScoleman at aol.com
MScoleman at aol.com
Sun Jan 24 09:05:45 PST 1999
re the passive/active discussion -- i've always thought of passive active not
in the physical sense (As Carroll describes -- hi Carroll) but in the sense of
courting and emotion. The person doing the pursuing or seeking sex is the
active while the "object" of the activity is passive. This is why women are
always seen as passive -- our society refuses to recognize the legitimacy of a
woman seeking sex voluntarily and women are almost universally projected as
objects, as opposed to participants, in sex. Annie Sprinkle in her "Herstory
of Porn" presentation discusses this concept pretty thoroughly. By describing
one actor in a homosexual or lesbian relation as active and the other as
passive, we do our best to place homosexual and lesbian sexuality within the
same pigeon holes of definition as heterosexual activity. The fact is, the
definitions simply do not fit, making passive/active in my mind pretty
outdated for all sexual activities.... maggie coleman mscoleman at aol.com
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