Conservatives as anti-investment for Social Security

Paul Henry Rosenberg rad at
Sun Jan 24 10:56:10 PST 1999

John K. Taber wrote:

> Thank you Paul. I did read that on your web site, but it didn't stick
> with me, sorry.
> It clears up a minor mystery. About 1981, Public Interest had an
> article "proving" it is impossible to fund a pension for everybody.
> As I recall, it argued that the needs of a universal pension would
> exceed all available and foreseeable capital. It was a Malthusian-
> like argument. At the time I didn't know Public Interest was a
> right wing organ pretending to academic respectability. But the
> article stuck in my mind.
> Now that I have it identified as Irving Krystol's, it puzzled me
> why the right today argues *for* pensions instead of Social Security,
> when 20 years ago it *proved* that pensions were undoable.

Thanks for mentioning this. I need to look it up, so I can use it in future debates.

> Another subject: Who is Theda Skocpol, and why should I take her
> views seriously? Please believe me, I don't mean this question
> in any hostile way. I want to know her credentials.

She's a Harvard sociologist, author of *Protecting Soldiers and Mothers: The Political Origins of Social Policy in the United States*, and a bunch of other books (frequently as editor & contributor to collections). You can find articles by her at the American Prospect Website.

-- Paul Rosenberg Reason and Democracy rad at

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