surplus and other stuff

Charles Brown CharlesB at
Sun Jan 24 14:01:32 PST 1999

How old is Judy ? I thought of unrequietedness as definitive of romantic love about 20 years ago. She might have heard of it from me.

I'm on page 80. I'm a presenter on the Althusser chapter, nice since he seems to be bringing in the law with the turning-to-the-cop-when-he -calls issue, which seems to be THE LAW. What I thought of last nite , when I saw that Arsenio Hall is now a tv cop, is that tv and movies have always been heavily disproportionally cop shows, since cowboys sheriffs and Dragnet. Don't you think that cops as heroes/oppressors is Judy's subjection of us ? Television, which I call Big Brother that we watch instead of BB watching us, is a main site of subjection. Think of how many cop shows there are, where they make cops such lovable people ? Ain't that Judy ? Cops, the very teeth of the repressive apparatus of the state, the Force in the Power, are like our best friends and selves in the American mind control machine.


>>> <d-m-c at> 01/24 2:22 PM >>>
> In romantic theory, the lover on the Grecian Urn is eternally reaching
for, never fulfilling his desire.

Chaz Honey, you ain't been reading Judy has you? Fershame.

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