
rc&am rcollins at netlink.com.au
Mon Jan 25 07:30:19 PST 1999

hi maggie,

john holloway has an interesting essay on ford. he argues that the fordist wage was introduced in order to stem the increasing labour turnover and abstenteeism before mass unemployment really kicked in as a mode of discipline - trunig up for work on time and being in emply for longer than six months being some of those conditions, including the ones you noted. line prodn being an incredibly boring and stultifying experience. the fordist wage (and the attached conditions) was the exchange of more consumption goods for labour discipline. i don't think he thought of it in keynsian terms as (macro) demand management, though amybe it bears a connection to this.

ford was doing a bit of subject formation in his own little way, i guess.


do you have any more info on ford's sociological dept?


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