But insofar as TV drama counts, the most vicious of all the cop shows ever filmed are precisely *Law and Order* and *Homocide* -- I have watched many episodes of both, and rather enjoyed them, but gradually their deep viciousness blunted my ability to sit through them and for several years I have never watched more than about 10 minutes at a time of either.
They present police work as *complex*; they present cops as *human*; they show police forces doing nasty things. The message is loud and clear: Life is terrible ... *not* repression is terrible, *not* the military occupation of the inner cities is terrrible, *not* the purpose of the police is to repress you and me, but the purpose of the police (spoiled often by terribly complex problems and nasty individual policemen) is to save what little bits of decency is possible within this horrible world.
Kenneth Burke was wonderful on this (one of the essays in *Philosophy oif Literary Form* I believe) when he showed that the films which would most aid militarism were those that showed war as horrible.