Deconstructing ROR and GDP

pms laflame at
Wed Jan 27 22:45:47 PST 1999

At 01:06 AM 1/28/99 -0500, you wrote:
>>I don't know if the stumble upon, revelation/recognition thing works with
>>this stuff, onacona, it ain't natural. It's phantasimagoric.
>>It ain't like Judith figureing out that some cockless girls find it
>>necessary to act like cocky boys, or that some people let knives pierce
>>their flesh based on other peoples ideas. Where basically, you just had to
>>pay attention.
>but you see, Paula, you have an essentialist account of gender. women are
>women because they are peace loving and nurturing and
>relational/relationship preserving, whereas men are men because they are
>aggressive and argumentative and destructive. Judy's drawing on a
>tradition that suggests that there is nothing, absolutely nothing, natural
>about any of this and that these patterns of behavior are not only learned
>but are inscribed and reinscribed through all sorts of ordinary activities.
> We, in other words, perform gender and there is not essential woman=-ness
>or man-ness underneath doing the performing. Iterative and reiterative and
>all that good lingo. There is no material, biological *cause* behind
>gendered behavior and so forth. So we have sex (biological sex
>characteristics) and we *do* gender and even then, some go on to argue, our
>biological material bodies are marked by --shaped by--performative
>discourses. Hence, my crack about about men and multiple orgasms which
>might also apply to women and their difficulty achieving orgasms. sure
>sure there is a biological component to these respective phenomenon, but we
>need to consider how much is shaped by language--representations of gender
>norms and the like

Ok. So, men are taught to be ass-holes, women are taught to be door-mats(in general). So if a woman decides she's not going to be confined by the constructs of society, she acts like an ass-hole? I don't buy it. Unless she just happens to be an ass-hole, maybe. But what I've observed had too much of a herd look to be explained that way.

On good days, I believe the nurturing/relational stance is "natural" for both sexes. And that the need for power "over", is always a reaction.

And besides, people fulfilling stereotypes just gets on my nerves.


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