Women soccer goalie

rc-am rcollins at netlink.com.au
Wed Jul 14 16:23:39 PDT 1999

I'm still complaining that there was no coverage of the series here at all!!

and that is marginalisation, doubly so: the domination of cricket and australian rules football in sports broadcasting generally (both of which bore me stupid) -- soccer is deemed a 'wog' sport --, and the complete absence of soccer when played by women. count yourselves lucky, at least you got to watch the games.


btw, roger, soccer here is not a white sport. cricket and tennis are. and soccer is the only sport globally where a world series really means world series, unlike that odd thing over there called 'the world series' which only US guys in bulky costumes play.

and thanks to michael for the post on the chinese team.

Angela --- rcollins at netlink.com.au

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