Kosovo deaths

Carrol Cox cbcox at ilstu.edu
Fri Jul 16 09:21:33 PDT 1999

"Mr P.A. Van Heusden" wrote:

> - with a view towards
> intervening and changing that motion? I.e. criticism is about political
> action, right?
> If that is that case, then surely numbers are useful not as a guide
> towards some moral choice (which remains an essentially passive, merely
> textual decision of who to support), but as a guide towards understanding
> the laws of motion of a current situation.

Repeat: "...moral choice (which remains an essentially pasive, merely textual decision of who to support) . . ."

Since the NATO aggression in Yugoslavia began I have been trying to find the formulation which would define the idiocy (original greek sense) of those who strive to have a balanced moral perspective on the war. Peter's formulation is perfect. It can be said of almost all of those who keep trying to bring an impartial moral perspective to bear that they have no interest in anything but the passive state of their own souls. They should join the Roman Catholic Church and give up politics.


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