Jacoby and an intellectual battle royal

Rob Schaap rws at comserver.canberra.edu.au
Wed Jul 28 22:49:39 PDT 1999

G'day Eric,

You write:

>I've spent the past few days reading the much-despised Russell Jacoby's
>latest, The End of Utopia. What Rob says here is Jacoby's theme: liberals
>in retreat. But he places at least as much blame on radicals, whose amazing
>disappearance has given liberals free rein to join the free-market team.
>Jacoby's freak show of multicultis, pomoistas, and lifestyle radicals has
>sat on the sidelines, twirling their cultural batons and waving their
>theoretical pom-poms before a dazzled but self-absorbed audience, while the
>Free Market Bulls have run up the score on the Socialist Dreamers.

That's definitely one for my summer reading list, then. Er, why is Jacoby 'much-despised'?

Cheers, Rob.

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