Bosnia, Kosovo, prelude to Soviet Union

Chris Burford cburford at
Tue Jun 1 15:30:52 PDT 1999

At 18:14 31/05/99 -0400, you wrote:
>At 10:11 PM 5/31/99 +0100, you wrote:
>>Paddy Ashdown, leader of the Liberal Democrat Party in Britain has been
>>successful in persuading Tony Blair to intervene in Kosovo, and then to
>>promote the idea of ground troops.
>>On Saturday he argued that Bosnia and Kosovo were mere preludes to the
>>tasks of NATO with the forthcoming implosion of the former Soviet Union.
>So British Liberal Democrats dream of Drang Nach Osten, huh? - that
>"steppen" of Ukraine must be a promising Lebensraum for the starved for
>space Brits.

No I really think this is an important misunderstanding. The Drang nach Osten was for land. The Serb war against Kosovar self-determination is for land.

BUT the NATO war against Serbia is *not* for land.

NATO leaders and representatives have dissembled over a lot of things but they are telling the truth about this. Theirs is a war for "free trade", for the free movement of finance capital across all territorial boundaries. Their battle flag is atomised bourgeois human rights, forgetting the social rights of a society to survive whatever the IMF may have to say.

The movement to the east is by peaceful assimilation. Look at the election result that has just occurred in Slovakia, paving the way for economic "reforms" that would enable Slovakia in due course to be a candidate for the European Union and for NATO. It is only that the Serbs have resisted this process and tried to reorganise the national boundaries on ethnically coherent lines, which would logically lead to apartheid.

But international finance capital has abandoned apartheid in South Africa for sound economic reasons, and it has no interest in promoting it in the Balkans.

The NATO war is *not* a war for land.

Chris Burford


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