Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 17:44:40 -0400 From: Jim Westrich <westrich at> Subject: I didn't do it In-reply-to: < at postoffice.worldnet.att.n et> X-Sender: westrich at To: lbo-talk at Message-id: <0FCP004ESZ6CX7 at> MIME-version: 1.0 X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Pro Version 4.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT References: <199906021256.IAA25532 at>
Evidently alot of LBO-talk messages got bounced with my email address on them as the source. I did not send any of them. I do not know why they were sent but something is seriously screwed up with my email account (I will inform Doug of all relevant details).
I hope this does not ever happen again. I apologize for any inconvenience and repeated motion illness it may have caused.
BTW, the cyberhyper-NOT-me postings were from James L Westrich II and my mail reader always makes me Jim Westrich. Accept no substitutes.
"Today he plays jazz; tomorrow he betrays his country."
Slogan in the Soviet Union (1920s).