Rakesh Bhandari bhandari at phoenix.Princeton.EDU
Sun Jun 6 13:24:29 PDT 1999

I can't see through the film accumulating on my eyes in this vicious allergy season:

Imp typos corrected in capitals
>Arguing that trade with the South, not economic maturity, has been the main
>cause of Northern DEindustrialisation, Adrian Wood suggests

Wood also suggests that the
>Rowthorn-Wells model of economic maturity cannot explain the timing of
>deindustrialisation since as only after 1973 WAS there a downward shift,
>confined to high income countries, in their cross country relationship
>between the industrial employment share and the level of per capita income,
>it is hard to believe that the decline in the share of mfg employment was
>simply the result of longstanding trends in sectoral productivity growth or
>in the composition of demand."

(yes, it's still an ugly sentence)


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