Bawanas Comparing Mao to Hitler

Henry C.K. Liu hliu at
Mon Jun 7 07:32:10 PDT 1999

G*rd*n wrote:

> However, it's often used so generically and so repeatedly
> as to lead the auditor to the conclusion that little but
> some kind of vague insult or expression of resentment is
> intended. This sort of rhetorical currency leads to the
> adoption of such slogans as "Affirmative Action is racist"
> by rightists, not cynically, but sincerely believing it
> to be the case.

It does not follow that rhetoric cleansing will liberate rightists more effectively on the issue of racism. Repetition is the most effect tool for psychological acceptance. The best way to fight racism is to relentlessly point out its existence in every minor incident, rather than saving it for the big battle, because racism is so pervasive that the opposition has discovered that the way to keep racism alive is to sprinkle it regularly on minor daily activities and avoid the big battles.

Henry C.K. Liu

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