homogeneity - was Re: Comparing...

Carrol Cox cbcox at ilstu.edu
Thu Jun 10 12:50:02 PDT 1999

Doug Henwood wrote:

> I wonder if the Japanese thought the Koreans could never catch up to them,
> so Japanese firms didn't initially worry that the technology sharing that

This is going to be vague. I forget title and author and remember only a couple details. But U.S. & Japanese racism caused both to do stupid things during WW 2. The Japanese thought those decadent Americans could not tolerate submarine duty, so they made no real preparations for anti-submarine warfare. The Americans thought the Japanese were incapable of any originality or excellence in engineering, so they never could recognize and try to counter the best fighter plane of any belligerent, the Japanese Zero. There were many other similar details of how racist conceptions led both to fail to understand the enemy and pay dearly for the lack of understanding..


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