Spanish Fighter Pilots' Admissions

JayHecht at JayHecht at
Wed Jun 16 08:56:07 PDT 1999

Seth, Chuck, .et .al,

Does anyone know where I can get a copy of the origianl article?

What sort of publication is "Spain Weekly?" (is it a Newsweek equivalent?).

I forwarded a copy to my mother-in-law and she couldn't believe it was true, she wrote back:

"Charlie Brown Ha Ha. This sounds like the raving of a disgruntled employee. Check sources, check facts. Love:..."

Hey, Charlie I apologize (in advance) for my mother-in-law - no offense. I can't thank you enough for that post. I'm dying to show her that the article came from a "mainstream" Spanish magazine, and how totally censored US publications are. What can I say, the things we do for love!


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