June 18 day of action against global capitalism

DANIEL.DAVIES at flemings.com DANIEL.DAVIES at flemings.com
Thu Jun 17 09:14:36 PDT 1999

Just got back from a marketing trip to discover that our security are going absolutely hairless over a planned "day of protest" tomorrow by the dreadlocks-and-dungarees bunch scheduled for tomorrow, with much disruption, protesting, etc, etc. Looks like fantastic fun. Anyone know the score? Like am I likely to get eggs chucked at me or anything? Although frankly, I think we're suffering from delusions of grandeur -- if I was going to have a serious go at global capitalism, I'd have a pop at Goldmans, or at least Barclays rather than some random Scottish broker.

I'll report back if any real fun goes down






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has ?y

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