Doug wrote:
>You're right about the difference between paper wealth and claims on real
>resources. But in pure balance sheet terms, forgiving the debts of the
>so-called HIPCs (highly indebted poor countries) would be nearly invisible
>to the creditor countries. The financial aspects aren't so important - it's
>the use of the debt as a political instrument of subordination.
>The 41 HIPCs, mostly in Africa, spend 1.6% of GDP on health, 3.0% on
>education, and 5.3% on debt service. Their debt service eats up about 90%
>of their grant income.
I don't doubt at all that debt is used to subordinate poor counties, but if debt forgiveness would be financially inconsequential to the creditor nations, why is it always a "crisis" with "systemic implications" when some Third World nation looks like it might default on its debt?