On Kosovo once more

Elias.Karagiannis at spg.org Elias.Karagiannis at spg.org
Fri Jun 18 07:21:15 PDT 1999

The following piece appeared in Today's edition of the International Herald Tribune. Today's situation in the Balkans looks as if the division of the Balkans as envisaged by the German Nazis is finally taking hold. The Germans created a Croat state in the 1940's and we now have a fascist state in Croatia. Now we are witnessing the rebirth of greater Albania as designed by the Nazis, 55 year after the end of WWII. I guess it takes Neo-Nazis to continue and complete the work of the original Nazis.

The Winner in the Balkans Is the KLA

By Richard Cohen The Washington Post

WASHINGTON - The real winner in the Balkans is the

Kosovo Liberation Army. The KLA has won the war and,

in the bargain, Kosovo itself. It has known from the start

precisely what it wanted.

In May 1998, I spoke in Istanbul to a KLA leader. His

business card said he was the prime minister of the

Republic of Kosovo and he was a physician named Bujar


At the time, Kosovo was under the Serbian boot and

hardly anyone's idea of a republic. But all that would

change, Dr. Bukoshi said. He has been true to his word.

The KLA had a simple but effective plan. It would kill

Serbian policemen. The Serbs would retaliate, Balkan

style, with widespread reprisals and the occasional

massacre. The West would get more and more appalled,

until finally it would, as it did in Bosnia, take action. In

effect, the United States and much of Europe would go to

war on the side of the KLA.

It worked.

Now that same KLA is supposed to be demilitarized -

stripped of its weapons - as the province it fought for is

administered by NATO and its juvenile sidekick, the


NATO lost not a single soldier fighting the Serbs. It

fought a war against a single man, Slobodan Milosevic,

apologizing all the while to the Serbian people for the

bridges, power plants and other quasi-military targets it

was urban-renewing. For NATO, the average Serb was

not the enemy.

The KLA thinks differently. In the first place, it lost men,

plenty of them. It effectively comprised NATO's ground

troops. Its fighters were volunteers,

Kosovars and

expatriates from all over the world who were animated

enough by the specter of independence to risk their

lives. They hate Serbs. They have always hated Serbs. If

possible, they now hate them even more.

Consider for a moment Palestine before 1948 and the

creation of the state of Israel. That part of the world and

that era are often mentioned nowadays because, once

again, a war has produced a large Muslim refugee

population. But rather than focus on the creation of the

Palestinian diaspora, it might be more instructive to talk

about the Irgun and the Stern Gang, terrorist Jewish

organizations which fought not only the Arabs but also

the British who then ruled what became Israel.

Jewish terrorists wanted to make it impossible for the

British to stay. Once they left, the Arabs would be taken

care of.

Now it is NATO that might be in the same position as the

British were in Palestine. It will never fully disarm the

KLA. The Albanian border, rough and porous, is not all

that far away. Handguns and rifles are easy to smuggle,

easier still to hide.

Even if some KLA leaders agree to be reasonable and

patient, there is bound to be a core of dissidents who,

through terror, will articulate their dissent. In short

order, Kosovo may be for NATO what Palestine once was

for Britain, which could not wait to get out.

The nightmare for Europe - especially for Russia - is that

of breakaway provinces. That is why everyone insists that

Kosovo remain within Yugoslavia. To say otherwise

produces a diplomatic dilemma, even a crisis.

But who's kidding whom? The KLA did not come this far

to settle for anything other than independence.

Maybe NATO thinks all will be well if and when Mr.

Milosevic becomes a pensioner or - such a sweet

thought - an inmate in a prison for war criminals. But the

KLA has a different agenda. It wants independence.

If the past is indeed prologue, Kosovo will become

independent, maybe united with Albania, maybe not. The

KLA is the one element in the entire Balkan mix that has

had a clear fix on its goal and absolutely no reluctance to

spill blood to achieve what it wants.

If NATO were half as realistic, it would plan for how to

achieve an independent Kosovo while avoiding yet

another Balkan war. Otherwise, it will be (with apologies

to James Baldwin) the fire next time.

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