Left and Right of national socialism

rc-am rcollins at netlink.com.au
Sun Jun 20 10:43:07 PDT 1999

>If we remove the names of the authors, would the statements read

you mean: 'can I get away with being an economic nationalist?' since this comes hot on the heels of your accolades for the anti-semitic Mahathir, and in tow of your 'questions' about the 'economic success' of German national socialism... what can i say? looks like you're trying real hard to get over a psychological hurdle; or maybe you already have...

>The pertinent question is: are these ideas themselves fascist, or are they
>otherwise sensible ideas that are exploited by fascists for political
>objectives that the left also opposes.

economic nationalism is, will be, the 21stC name for national socialism, which seems to have gotten a bad name in the 20thC. can't think why.

Angela --- rcollins at netlink.com.au

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