Wither Report

Rakesh Bhandari bhandari at phoenix.Princeton.EDU
Wed Jun 23 17:54:25 PDT 1999

Max, I was called a racist and other especially abusive things in my exchanges with Louis P, Ken L, Waheema L, Carrol C and others on this list at the beginning of the year.

In your language I suffered a maximum of aspersions on my personal character, to wit:

"I have not read Clayborne Carson, but I don't need to read him in order to characterize this as a bullshit lie." "ignorant garbage." "idiotic bullshit" "More ignorant bullshit." " not much of a Marxist," " lunatic characterization ... Your hysteria ... clueless" "Poor Rakesh, the perpetual graduate student," "you idiot." " stupid phrase-mongering" " incorrect. ... bullshit. You were the one who went beserk, not me."

Far from sending a windbaggish comment on the overuse of the charge of racism then, you actually pretty much said that I had provoked and deserved the abuse. From my perspective, your only concern is trigger happiness with the charge when it is applied to fellow honkies.


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