Nowhere in the two AFP news items is mentioned that Papadopoulos was an American dog, in the payroll of the CIA for years. The coup he led was actively encouraged by the democratic minded Americans who could not bear the thought that a liberal party, not a leftist party as AFP alleges, was going to win the elections scheduled for April 28th, 1967.The idea that the people are the sovereign has never registered with the freedom-loving Americans. Their motto seems to be that if you do not do as ordered you will either have your democratic system overthrown, e.g. Greece, Chile, or bombed e.g. Yugoslavia. But if you obey then no problem, you can fuck your people and nobody will raise a fig's leaf in the international press, e.g. Turkey. As we are waiting the verdict for Ocalan on Tuesday, no serious analysis has been seen in the Western press and definitely no comparative analysis has been done regarding Kosovo and Turkish Kurdistan. I should also like to mention that when the CIA abolished democracy in Greece, the cries of the political prisoners, exiles, detainees and all those who have been forced to submission and lived a life of fears and intimidation never reached the ears of the freedom loving organization called NATO, the one that recently went to war to protect human rights. NATO accepted Papadopoulos's regime with open arms as they now do with the authoritarian and semi-fascist regime of Turkey.