Death Penalty

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at
Thu Mar 4 12:21:11 PST 1999

K. Mickey
>>I just wonder why death penalty seems to attract even some leftists in
>>America. It's not the same elsewhere, is it? The popularity of death
>>penalty must be related to the
>>popularity of anti-abortion sentiments via
>>moralism/individualism/anti-hedonism routes.
>I don't know if the death penalty is popular in Asia, but both China and
>Japan enforce the death penalty. Japan is the only advanced industrial country
>other than the USA to use the death penalty, albeit very rarely in comparison
>to American practice. The PRC executes fairly large numbers of convicted
>criminals. And of course abortion is quite widespread in both countries,
>even compulsory under certain circumstances in China.

My point is, however, in America death penalty seems to attract even some *leftists* (as can be seen on this list) whereas in Japan no leftist seems to endorse such a position.


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