Doug Ireland on Hitchens in ITT

Peter Kilander peterk at
Sun Mar 7 12:41:52 PST 1999

It should be noted Ireland is gay and writes regularly for The Nation.

Hitchens is quoted as saying: "I was asserting something *against* authority, in this case Clinton's shop and his use of state power to trash women. Clinton's is a world of soft-money corruption where women are the cherry on the cake. Of all the things said by the left apologist for Clinton, nothing is more despicable than the line that Clinton is a victim of a form of McCarthyism. That's stupid and unprincipled, and defames the real victims of that inquisition, who were pretty nearly naked before the power of the state, which was engaged in an unconstitutional prosecution of their right to be revolutionaries. Neither is true for Clinton, Harold Ickes, and the like."

Yesterday's (3/6/99) Wall Street Journal had an excellent front page story on Starr. Specifically, on his first interview with Monica at the hotel. I'd be interested to hear others views on the piece.


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