1999-03-08 Vice President Calls for Measures toEaseTrafficCongestion

Max Sawicky sawicky at epinet.org
Mon Mar 8 21:51:29 PST 1999

> >
> >The thing missing from Gore's message is money.
> Well, exactly. It's a symbolic (or maybe imaginary) solution to a real
> problem. You don't seriously think Gore's going to de-localize U.S.
> governance, do you? Bring our 83,000 government count down to even 70,000?
> It'd be easier to hit our Kyoto targets than that.

The Feds could provide money for regional government operations, particularly regional public transportation planning and investment. Local govs could join without obliterating their identity. If they opt out, they lose a role in allocating the funds. The Feds could reduce the relative subsidies to automobile travel relative to mass transit by raising gas taxes and increasing subsidies to buses/subways/light rail. The income tax deductions for prop tax and mortgage interest could be capped, then squeezed down. The Feds could make highway grants contingent on tougher emission standards. The Feds could incorporate mandates in employment service funding regarding support for reverse commuting. Etc. etc. There's a lot of dials to twirl and buttons to push here.

Money is surely in question. That's why a few of us crackpot realists are here screaming about the budget while folks divert themselves with . . . well, you know.


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