Banks, Bucks and Bolsheviks

Rakesh Bhandari bhandari at phoenix.Princeton.EDU
Tue Mar 9 21:39:00 PST 1999

Doug, he is not the enlightened one; he's the neo Proudhounist one posing as an anarcho syndicalist and wanting to attack the problem in the sphere of circulation, in the sphere of credit. My hero William J Blake concluded his short summary of Marx's critique of the shoddy Hegelian: "Proudhonism as dogged the footsteps of Marxism from 1847 to the present day. Its type of thinking is the standard 'radical' approach to the world. It is common to currency refomrers and fascists (in theory), and its isolation of the banker as the source of all evil is extremely popular. But it lacks any understanding of the totality of production relations, and is gaseous." Boddhi has basically been begging for someone to write The Poverty of Enlightenment.

Boddhi, I didn't get your point about a net present value of stock earnings. Are you suggesting that because of low interest rates, present stocks are worth their price (Doug has that neat and short description of present value calculations in his book)? As far as I get it, that's the irony. A falling rate of profit means that the rate of interest must fall even more, which means that a stock that's still paying out the old dividend will be worth even more? A falling rate of profit should express itself in a stock market boom.


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