technology (Re: Horowitz's center)

Henry C.K. Liu hliu at
Fri Mar 12 12:21:45 PST 1999

Is China your new evil empire? You are not a red monetarists, you are a blood-red Reagonite. "Requisite paranoia and criminal intent "? Amazing accusation from an American! As to defaming names, you are an old hand.

Henry C.K. Liu

"D. L." wrote:

> That, by the way, also informs my thinking about the fact that the
> "People's" (as if) Republic of China probably has my new hometown of
> Seattle in the sights of their newly MiRV'ed ballistic missiles. My only
> shock is why they are so late to the party. They clearly have had the
> requisite paranoia and criminal intent for some time.
> peace

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