Enjoy! (was Re: Zizek on Viagra)

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at osu.edu
Thu Mar 18 21:04:49 PST 1999

>>How about a post-Butler cybersymposium on Kant, De Sade, Adorno &
>>Horkheimer ("Excursus II: Juliette or Enlightenment and Morality"), Barthes
>>(_Sade, Fourier, Loyola_), Lacan ("Kant avec Sade"), Zizek ("Kant with [or
>>against] Sade"), Pierre Klossowski (_Sade My Neighbor_ & _The Baphomet_),
>>D. A. Miller (_The Novel and the Police_), Eve Sedgwick, and Peter Starr
>>(_Logics of Failed Revolt: French Theory after May '68_)? Baroque
>>variations on capital punishment & la raison d'État.
>>Or we could move backward and forward, stringing Sade, Sophists,
>>Machiavelli, and Gramsci.
>>Or we could branch out from Klossowski to Balthus and hopscotch to girl
>>cultures & girls in cultures.
>Sounds interesting to me - want to moderate it Yoshie?

Provided that you authorize me to discipline misbehaving souls in any cyber-manner I see fit. For instance, a guy who makes sexist comments shall be forced to post here a JPEG picture of his sorry naked ass, to be verbally yet soundly whipped by Maggie Coleman. Judging by the Swimsuit thread, I predict that there will be many asses on display.


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